Piney Woods Farm, LaGrange Georgia

Schedule Your Visit

Piney Woods farm offers a welcoming environment for all, but in order for visitors to have a meaningful experience, limited capacity and visiting hours are mandatory as we are an operating farm in motion at all times!

Rules and Details

When visiting the farm, we ask respectfully that you wear closed-toe shoes. Please don’t damage the crops or pick any to take home unless encouraged to do so by a staff member during your tour. While we love children and want to cultivate a positive learning environment, we kindly ask that all young visitors be accompanied by an adult. Please only feed and gently pet the animals with a staff member’s approval and supervision. Due to our certifications and regulations, no pets of any kind are allowed on the farm. We request that no one wanders the farm grounds on their own and that all who visit remain on the designated pathways and roads. Above all, we want everyone to enjoy a safe and fun visit to Piney Woods Farm!